Last weekend was an interesting one for me. My first two daughters had been playing rough all morning. After issuing a couple of threats to beat them, my husband carries out that threat for me.
While I sat quietly sorting out clothes in their room, my 6 year old’s mouth piece walks up to me and says “mummy, Sheryl says she’s leaving the house and I’m going with her”. I looked up at her and said ok.
15 minutes later I walked up to them and asked when they were leaving ( they obviously were not expecting that). This morning my 6 year old responds. We just have to get some money from dad to buy new suitcases and then we’ll be gone she added.
I nodded. While you are gone, just bear in mind that when it rains, you will be drenched and cold because you will have no house and clothes. When it’s sunny, you will be very hot and will have no shade. You will get very hungry, but there’ll be no food for you to eat. There will be no mummy or daddy to go to when you are afraid. I could see fear building in their eyes, I was relentless.
Before I could say anymore, my 6 year old falls on her knees with apologies. It was obvious she didn’t think through her decision before she sent her mouthpiece (My 4 year old) to me.
As funny as that action was, it taught me a lot. As a mother, I see these kids make decisions daily without thinking through the implications.
While It’s easy to laugh at their foolishness, I am not innocent either. There have been lots of times I have made decisions without first counting the cost.
As easy as it is to just ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, sometimes I don’t. And of course I don’t escape the consequences of my decisions.
Seeing how silly they looked, it gave me a totally new reason to constantly consult the all knowing one, the Holy Spirit for direction and guidance.
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