I saw Ada in a very skimpy skirt in town, you should have seen her looking like a fille de joie. I was very appalled, I’m sure you didn’t see her leave the house, Obi said without any apologies to Uche his friend.
Oh I actually did. I bought her some new clothes, I’m sure it was one you saw her in, Uche nodded unperturbed.
That’s terrible then. You should see my girls, they are constantly well dressed, with their hair always covered. I love their commitment to the things of God, and how much time they spend in the house of God. You should be praying for Ada, she appears very wayward.
Thank you Obi, Uche said as he stood, signalling the visit was over. He didn’t take his friend seriously, he trusted Ada.
He knew his daughter well enough.
You’re joking right? Ada jumped up from her seat as she listened keenly to what Ogo was telling her. She had known Ogo and her sister Chinwe from childhood. They were daughters to her dad’s friend Uncle Obi.
You can’t be serious! Ogo smiled mischievously as she showed Ada the bundle of money she had tucked away in her wardrobe. Bewildered, Ada’s jaw dropped. This was too much for her to assimilate. She loved Ogo and had always looked up to her, she was the perfect definition of a saint, no one would ever have thought her to be this picture she couldn’t believe to be seeing.
Ada, I’m a big girl now, I’m 19 years. I need to live my life, I can’t keep being in this bottle my dad wants to keep me in.
What if he finds out you’re sleeping with men his age, Ada queried. Well, that will be unfortunate Ogo responded without remorse. I’m tired of being this church girl he brags about. He barely spends time with us, he doesn’t even know or understand us. Can’t remember the last time he bought anything for us, how does he think we survive in school? Do we eat sand as food, or wear leaves as clothes? My mum has to work extra hard just so she can afford some money for our excesses. Look at you Ada, your dad gives you everything you need, you hardly lack anything.
Ok, but can I ask my dad to speak with him? Ada asked. Don’t bother my darling, he doesn’t listen to my mum, I doubt he’d listen to your dad. Besides that will get me into a lot of trouble.
What of Chinwe, is she aware? Ada asked as she saw Chinwe enter the house. We’re in it together. So my dear, kindly keep this little secret of ours in your piggy bank ok. Of course, Ada nodded, feeling so terrible she could hardly breathe.
Ada was extremely worried about her friends. She tossed and turned on her bed as she called for sleep. She had seen the Obi’s going to church this morning and had noticed how Ogo and Chinwe both sat quietly at the back with their two younger brothers. It was definitely the picture of a perfect family, she would have thought if she hadn’t let herself into their lives.
The strike had been called off, Chinwe and Ogo had already left for school. She had planned leaving within the course of the week, she couldn’t bear to think of all she had heard from Ogo. She silently thanked God for all the privileges she was enjoying at home.
Really? I’m excited already Obi said as he waited impatiently for the girls Musa his business partner had arranged for their business trip out of town. Inside his trousers tingled softly with anticipated pleasure. Musa had been particular about one of the ladies he felt Obi should have, laying emphasis on the outstanding skills she had. She would be hard to miss among the ladies, she was the prettiest. They sat drinking cold beer when the four ladies arrived the little bar, as agreed.
Their eyes met briefly. It was unbelievable! Obi couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Could it be the influence of the alcohol, he thought? He probably wasn’t seeing right. Before he could utter any word, Ogo turned quickly and run out of the bar, with Musa at her heels, trying to find out what possibly could be wrong. The only thought that crossed his mind was that probably she had once gotten involved with Obi and had stolen from him. He couldn’t understand.
Meanwhile Obi sat back reclined on his seat, he was at sea. He had completely lost interest in the other girls, his heart was overwhelmed with thoughts. His own daughter, an easy girl? He thought back to all he had done with the numerous young ladies in those hotel rooms, he couldn’t help but wonder how many men had laid his own daughter.
How was he ever going to face her back home, now that they had both found out the truth about themselves? Would he still be able to lead devotion back home, would he still be able to play his roles back in church as an elder? What if his wife found out? He feared the unknown.
He thought of Chinwe, Goosebumps run all over him. Could she also possibly be involved? He stood and made his way out of the bar, distraught.
Photo credit : Google
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