Mummy, I really want to be like you when I grow up. I am so proud of you. You are the best mum ever…

These words and many more have become a part of my daily life. It’s easy for me to smile and feel puffed up with satisfaction and pride. I must be doing the right thing….

But every single time these words are said to me by these innocent children, I cringe.

Do they know about my character defects? Do they know about the insecurities I nurse? Do they know about the daily battles? These questions occupy my mind. All they probably see, better put, all I probably show them is that perfect human being.

No! I tell myself. I want these girls to be better than me.

I want them to pray more, I want them to study God’s word more. I want them to be exceptionally sold out to God. I want them to be better driven. I don’t want them growing up with these character defects and insecurities that I have. If they want to be like me, then I ought to be better than I am.

So I go back to my Creator, He who knew me before He formed me in my mother’s womb (and still knows me better than every other person) and I tell Him…

Help me oh God, to be more like you. Help me to love more, to give more, to forgive more, to be more patient. To pray more, to study more. Because I know if I am more like You, then every aspect about my life becomes more like You. If I get it right, then I can lead them right. Not just in pretense but with all sincerity. 

And as He pours in, so I pour out…..

Beyond helping them achieve their dreams and visions in life, all I want is for them to be a version of the Father and not my imperfect self.

Kids sometimes have a problem listening but never a problem copying.” David DeNotaris

In your later years, you want to look back and feel a sense of accomplishment about how you raised your children and the fulfillment you brought into their lives.” Nicoline Ambe

Father, may our roots be so deeply planted in You, that Your richness may flow to every aspect of our being, bearing fruits that only come from you.

Make us an image of you Lord, in our daily lives, help us to be more like You.

Then, our hearts will not be afraid when our children tell us they want to be like us.

This we pray in Jesus name, Amen!

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