Few days before I had my second baby, I got a letter from the embassy I was working with as Communications and Research Officer, to say my contract with them wasn’t going to be renewed. 

I believed God that a miracle would happen, probably get called back, or even get a better job than the former.

It never happened.

Soon after our daughter was born, my husband got a letter from the Organization he was working with, to say his services were no longer needed.

It became a very trying 4 years for us. 

It was tough! We had to change our daughter’s school and drastically cut down on a lot. We enrolled with a cheaper hospital and could no longer afford some meals. Plantain which I love so much, became luxury. There were days I fed my girls pap( local Nigerian cereal) thrice a day for days, sometimes without milk or sugar. Some days, my husband and I just slept on empty stomachs.

Going through this trying phase of our lives was quite overwhelming. Trust me, major life’s changes like this can fluster anyone.

Occasionally, I would hide and cry out all the heaviness in my heart, because of our kids. They didn’t deserve that hardship.

I took up a job that paid me just about 13.5 percent of what I was earning before. My husband did like wise. We weren’t making much, but it was a buffer. 

I‘m grateful still, because that period helped to build some virtues in me, birth some hidden gifts and also helped to shape me into the woman I am right now.

We all at different stages of our lives are faced with some sort of challenge, and in different degrees. For some, it could be their marriage, for others a sick child. It could be the death of a loved one or a failing health or even business.

When we were faced with those terribly hard times, I adopted a couple of things I will share with you. These were the things that kept me.

*When you go through challenges, hold

fast to your faith, never give up.

Constantly keep your mind on God’s promises and not on your circumstances. 

*In trying times, keep confessing the word of God and not the negativity of the prevailing circumstance. 

*As hard as it may seem, when you are faced with challenges, be patient and know that God is with you. 

*There are always lessons to learn. Be sensitive enough not to miss them.

Within that Period, I was confident that our victory was near. I realized that my faith became stronger.

Father, when faced with challenges, help us to constantly keep our faith in you, and also patiently learn the lessons in those times in Jesus name.




The thoughts of motherhood and parenting is quite exciting for me, especially when I see the little humans in my care gradually transform from infant to toddler and then a child. Soon enough teenager and then adult.

It’s amazing how God does these things. We don’t see them grow, yet everyday they grow.

Our roles as mothers has it such that many times we are so pre occupied with our duties and work so much that we ignore a very important part of our lives. 

The motherhood journey is an interesting one. One that can totally bury us from fulfilling our God given assignment here on earth.

I realized from the very start of this year, there has been a very deep hunger in my spirit. The hunger to step out beyond my duties to the greater assignment I was created for. Frankly, I am no longer comfortable and satisfied with the excuse of “But Lord the Children, the Home, Work”. As genuine as those excuses are, our reason for being alive transcends those.

What is your purpose here on earth? What are you alive for? To get married and have kids? To have a great job and a superb income? I doubt!

What is that thing God has strongly laid in your heart to do?

It’s not too late to start. It’s better that it’s started late, than not done at all. Let the people whose lives we are meant to affect not suffer because of our complacency.

No matter the height we attain, even if we reach the pinnacle of our careers, no matter how well we think we are raising our children, we can never truly have that fulfillment we long for, unless we are among those that trivialize the things of God.

We are women, we are mothers, regardless, there’s a purpose for which we were created.

My fulfillment comes from the place of knowing that the assignment I was sent on earth for was done.

So help us today Lord. For those of us mothers that do not know our purpose, please lay it in our hearts. For as many of us that know yet have been complacent, please help us to begin to do that which you brought us here on earth for.

In Jesus name, Amen!



This year has not been like any other I remember, but I am grateful to the Almighty God Who has preserved our lives. If you are reading this post, that’s because you still have breath in your nostrils. It doesn’t matter so much the challenges or circumstances you are faced with right now, the ultimate is that you are alive to see another day.

In some few days, (13 precisely) 2021 will be delivered to us. Many would trade places just to be ushered into that year, unfortunately time has robbed them of that opportunity. We are alive today, not because we are so privileged, but because of God’s gracious mercy.

You are alive today, and have not given your life to Christ, you’re living risky. Our tomorrow is not promised, it is not guaranteed. This is not to scare you, but to make you understand that the best place to be is a life in God. This includes those that have prayed the sinners prayer, yet allow themselves to walk the path of unrighteousness.

God is merciful, He is quick to forgive all unrighteousness when we come to Him with all sincerity of heart, and genuinely ask for forgiveness.

I implore you if you are in this category, to lay all aside and run to the master Jesus. Some may think they have it all, fame, riches of this life, life may be beautiful and fun, but trust me, all those don’t count if you are living without God. Life has no meaning without God.

A message, deeply laid in my heart to share with that one person who knows that in eternity, his/her life is that of doom.

Teach us to number our days Lord, help us to walk this life long road in all purity and righteousness.

Please pray this simple prayer with me.

Lord Jesus, I come to you just as I am. Forgive all my sins, and come into my life. I  believe you died on the cross for my sins. I disconnect myself from every darkness and connect to Your light.

I accept you today as my Lord and personal savior.

Help me to live for You. 

In Jesus name, Amen!

If you prayed this prayer and need someone to talk to, kindly send an email to

You can also visit

God bless you as you do so.



Mummy, I really want to be like you when I grow up. I am so proud of you. You are the best mum ever…

These words and many more have become a part of my daily life. It’s easy for me to smile and feel puffed up with satisfaction and pride. I must be doing the right thing….

But every single time these words are said to me by these innocent children, I cringe.

Do they know about my character defects? Do they know about the insecurities I nurse? Do they know about the daily battles? These questions occupy my mind. All they probably see, better put, all I probably show them is that perfect human being.

No! I tell myself. I want these girls to be better than me.

I want them to pray more, I want them to study God’s word more. I want them to be exceptionally sold out to God. I want them to be better driven. I don’t want them growing up with these character defects and insecurities that I have. If they want to be like me, then I ought to be better than I am.

So I go back to my Creator, He who knew me before He formed me in my mother’s womb (and still knows me better than every other person) and I tell Him…

Help me oh God, to be more like you. Help me to love more, to give more, to forgive more, to be more patient. To pray more, to study more. Because I know if I am more like You, then every aspect about my life becomes more like You. If I get it right, then I can lead them right. Not just in pretense but with all sincerity. 

And as He pours in, so I pour out…..

Beyond helping them achieve their dreams and visions in life, all I want is for them to be a version of the Father and not my imperfect self.

Kids sometimes have a problem listening but never a problem copying.” David DeNotaris

In your later years, you want to look back and feel a sense of accomplishment about how you raised your children and the fulfillment you brought into their lives.” Nicoline Ambe

Father, may our roots be so deeply planted in You, that Your richness may flow to every aspect of our being, bearing fruits that only come from you.

Make us an image of you Lord, in our daily lives, help us to be more like You.

Then, our hearts will not be afraid when our children tell us they want to be like us.

This we pray in Jesus name, Amen!

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