Few days before I had my second baby, I got a letter from the embassy I was working with as Communications and Research Officer, to say my contract with them wasn’t going to be renewed.
I believed God that a miracle would happen, probably get called back, or even get a better job than the former.
It never happened.
Soon after our daughter was born, my husband got a letter from the Organization he was working with, to say his services were no longer needed.
It became a very trying 4 years for us.
It was tough! We had to change our daughter’s school and drastically cut down on a lot. We enrolled with a cheaper hospital and could no longer afford some meals. Plantain which I love so much, became luxury. There were days I fed my girls pap( local Nigerian cereal) thrice a day for days, sometimes without milk or sugar. Some days, my husband and I just slept on empty stomachs.
Going through this trying phase of our lives was quite overwhelming. Trust me, major life’s changes like this can fluster anyone.
Occasionally, I would hide and cry out all the heaviness in my heart, because of our kids. They didn’t deserve that hardship.
I took up a job that paid me just about 13.5 percent of what I was earning before. My husband did like wise. We weren’t making much, but it was a buffer.
I‘m grateful still, because that period helped to build some virtues in me, birth some hidden gifts and also helped to shape me into the woman I am right now.
We all at different stages of our lives are faced with some sort of challenge, and in different degrees. For some, it could be their marriage, for others a sick child. It could be the death of a loved one or a failing health or even business.
When we were faced with those terribly hard times, I adopted a couple of things I will share with you. These were the things that kept me.
*When you go through challenges, hold
fast to your faith, never give up.
Constantly keep your mind on God’s promises and not on your circumstances.
*In trying times, keep confessing the word of God and not the negativity of the prevailing circumstance.
*As hard as it may seem, when you are faced with challenges, be patient and know that God is with you.
*There are always lessons to learn. Be sensitive enough not to miss them.
Within that Period, I was confident that our victory was near. I realized that my faith became stronger.
Father, when faced with challenges, help us to constantly keep our faith in you, and also patiently learn the lessons in those times in Jesus name.
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