Honestly, there are days when I feel completely overwhelmed with my duties as a mother. There are times when I feel I’m loosing my mind. Some days these children drive me so insane. 

I’ve had no help for almost a year now( story for another day), trust me, it can get really crazy.

There are lots of things I really want to do, but I feel so set back. The frustration is draining. To think I lost my job with one of the embassies I was working with because I was going to have a baby….

I can’t picture what freedom feels like anymore. At times I just want to go somewhere quiet with my husband and relive the honey moon phase. 

These thoughts….and then He whispers, don’t be ungrateful. There are women out there that are asking for just 1 kid, I have blessed you with 3. There are some out there who have lost hope of ever having one. Some have lost their kids, Some will trade everything just to be in your position, and you are here complaining.

And then I go…. Lord I am sorry, but really it’s sometimes overwhelming. Then He says “ My grace is sufficient for you”. 

Thank you Jesus. Really, it’s Your grace that is keeping me Lord. It’s Your grace that has brought me this far, It’s Your grace that I’m holding on to.

It’s your grace Lord, it’s just Your grace.

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