I am not an Educationalist, I do not work in a school or consult for a school, but I can tell when a subject is not being taught right. 

The first day of December got me thinking a lot about our schools and the quality of teachers handling our kids.

My daughter returns from school and says ” mummy, we were taught about rape today”. Really, so what did your teacher say rape is? I questioned. Rape is the use of force by a person to have sex with another person. She opens her book for me to confirm she got the definition right.

Ok, so what did she tell you sex is? I was curious. I can’t remember mummy, she said.

I looked across to the dining table where hubby was seated. He obviously could read my mind, our opinions were the same I could tell.

I was shocked! Who would introduce a grade 2 pupil to the word sex? The definition of rape in itself for that age is a very big NO for me.

While I do not disagree with teaching rape to these kids, I believe there’s an age appropriate language for such.

A bit later, I heard her singing with the word; sex sex sex, as if it‘s a newly introduced rhyme. That’s enough, I told her. I was terribly disappointed and made up my mind to visit the school.

The next day at school, I met with her class teacher and shared my displeasure with her. I‘m sorry Ma, but that’s exactly what is contained in the scheme of work she said. Ok, can it be revised to accommodate a more friendly and age appropriate language? I asked.

Well it’s beyond me Ma she replied.

Thank you very much I said, as I walked straight to the Grade School Head Teacher‘s Office.

She smiled as I approached, we had met a couple of times.

I shared my reservations and concerns with her. Was still the same response I got. “That’s what’s contained in the scheme of work”. 

I insisted that it should be revised, pulling on very strong arguments. After a little while, she noted something in her writing pad and promised to discuss with the teachers in  the next day’s meeting. She agreed to adopt an age appropriate description of rape and the word sex.

The word sex was alien to me right through grade school. While it’s not really about the word, (knowing the exposure this generation of kids have), I’d rather still not build on their curiosity, not in grade 2.

It’s important as parents that we give attention to things our children are taught in school. Some do them more harm than good, depending on how it was communicated. 

I educate my kids on rape and sex. I constantly teach them which parts of their bodies no one is allowed to touch.

Below is a video I introduced them to. I believe it works best for them at their age.

Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children. Walt Disney

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