For another birthday, Lord, I thank you.

I am humbled by how good You have been to me Father. On this life long road, You have been my strength. Where would I have been without You?

He who has kept me from day one till such a time as this….

I am not confused about where my help comes from. If it hasn’t been for You, I wonder what my story would be.

In love, You have redeemed me

In faithfulness, You have restored me

In  mercy, You have kept me

In patience, You have taught me

In  grace, You have led me

In kindness, You have blessed me

In hope, I have stayed on

In truth, my life is built.

How can I ever thank You, knowing where I was…

In that confused girl, You saw a future

In that hopeless girl, You saw a generation 

My gratitude is to You God Almighty without Whom, there is no me. 

My gratitude has no bounds, words are simply not enough.

Thank you Father for making me a rainbow with such beautiful colors that are just too bright to be hidden. 

I am a shinning star, just because You are in my life. 

You have brought me this far, kept me this long, for a reason that I know will bring all glory to You.

I am grateful….while I look foward to another beautiful year of a deeper walk with You, full of Your grace and wisdom.

Thank you Jesus….with You in this life boat, I surely will stay tall!

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