Will I let the day just slide without celebrating this great man and father to the three most beautiful, adorable  and priceless  little girls ever?

Impossible!!! Any opportunity to celebrate him can never pass by. 

He’s been exceptional in all his duties as a father, doing within and beyond….

The man who taught me how to fit diapers…. I love you dearly.

In rainy days, you have provided for us. You have shielded us from  terrible storms, and extremely harsh weathers. You are an unusually outstanding man.

I watch you play and teach the girls. My heart melts every single time I see you do these…and oh, how deeper my love for you grows.

Thank you for loving us the way you do. Thank you for constantly praying for us.

Thank you for your selfless commitment to always make us happy.

Thank you also for all the sacrifices you make….

I hear how the girls talk about you, it makes me soo proud. You have been, and are a support and encouragement to them. 

I agree with the man who once said “the heart of the Heavenly  Father should be reflected in the heart of the earthly father”. Thank you for bringing God closer to the girls. They couldn’t have had a better man to call dad.

Happy Father’s Day to the best dad ever.

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