I woke up with this disposition expecting that by some mysterious happenings, everything is going to be brand new.

But guess what? I‘m still brown skinned, black hair, same flaws, same state.

Can I just wave a wand and have everything transformed?

I wish I could…. 

You mean if I don’t set the alarm to a time for devotion, I will still be on my bed sleeping? Right! 

And the character flaws? They are still there! They didn’t disappear with 2020. What was I thinking?

The courses I plan doing? Thought I would enter 2021, and suddenly have my head full of knowledge and new experiences.

Could it be that easy?

The job I have been dreaming about? 2021, am I in that office yet? You tell me!

I expected to enter the new year and have a newly registered business say my name.

Hello 2021…

Truth is I’m still the same person, and so are you. We have to consciously work to walk into that change we so desperately want to see.

For every of our set goals, our dreams, the visualized happenings, our aspirations, for every change we want to see in this new year (character inclusive), if we don’t consciously work at it, 2022 will still have us in same state.

For every single thing we hope to achieve, let every new day find us diligently working towards it.

Each day’s activities should take us closer to that end…

AND God surely would help us.

Happy New Year!



It’s quite tempting for me every new year to try to cover everything I could not do in the previous year and even more tempting it is to attempt to tick off all that I desire in the new year.

2020 ends in a day. I’m not going to beat myself that I didn’t tick off all on my list, rather, I’m grateful that I have another opportunity to continue and even do much more. 

While I sit to set my self development, financial, career etc goals, what tops the chart for me is my family goals.

I go to God in prayer and ask for wisdom to build a better home, trusting Him for better guidance in my relationship with my husband (a very important aspect of my life) and then my daughters.

Raising kids is not an easy task, I acknowledge that, but I won’t just sit around and allow nature take its course in this phase of their lives. So I think, I plan, I strategize and then ask God to help me. 

I don’t feel satisfied with how I have led them so far, so I tell Him. 

I understand that just as I am deliberate about their physical growth, I equally have to be deliberate about their spiritual growth, and growth in other areas. I don’t want to get frustrated and unfulfilled, so for each monthly milestone set for them, I ask Him to help me accomplish it.

I ask Him to help me because I know very well that it’s not by power or might, but by the spirit.

It’s very important as mothers and fathers to deliberately plan for our kids.

We are about entering a new year, what do you hope to achieve with your kids in 2021?

Categorized into Spiritual, financial, educational, developmental and recreational goals (you can make up the list).

Have you set them already? Good, take them to the Lord in prayer.

Are you yet to set them? Ask the Lord to help you.

Stay focused!

I love you all.

See you in 2021

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