Usually I like washing my girls hair at least once in three weeks. I allow them wear their cornrows that long.
My first daughter is fond of pouring water in her hair while bathing, says it’s very refreshing, which I know is true. However, I greatly dislike it cos it always leaves her hair looking messy.

After promising on few occasions to discontinue, she repeated it again. This time, I was extremely cross with her and said to her after she had apologized “I will not forgive you until you completely stop doing it.“

She looks at me strangely and then goes “what’s that scripture again mum? Oh yes, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Mummy, Forgive my trespass so God can also forgive your trespass“.

Oh dear…you could imagine the look on my face.
That hit me real hard, I had to take back my words. I had no right to speak such words to her. It’s not enough to teach them the scriptures, our words and actions must continually model what we teach. After all, the Bible says to forgive 70 times 7 times.

My heart was glad after then because it’s obvious the understanding of scripture she has. These kids understand more than you think they do. Keep teaching them, stay on the word with them. It’s not wasted effort, when they grow, they will not depart from it.

Father, sometimes we can get extremely reluctant in teaching these kids your word. But beyond teaching them, help us to live by example. We need Your grace to do this, help us today.

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