I was at the hospital sometime this week. While I waited to see the doctor, along came a lady with a cast. She stood for some minutes, scanning for an empty seat.
I quickly gave up my seat for her, realizing I was down, but stronger than she was.
I was shocked as I looked on. She arrogantly took the seat, brought out her phone and was on with whatever it was she was doing.
Don’t get me wrong, but a thank you wouldn’t have hurt at all.
I’ve observed that some people find it so very hard to use the magic words, sorry, please, excuse me, pardon me and thank you.
I try as much as I can to use these words, and also instill it in my kids. It’s very easy for them to sometimes forget, but it’s our duty to insist until it consists.
I wouldn’t want them growing up without their manners.
It’s greatly embarrassing for children especially from an age of enlightenment not to demonstrate such courtesies.
But all these start from our homes. Our carelessness to instill these simple but extremely important attitude is sometimes the reason why we have the instance mentioned above.
It’s not enough to feed and provide for them. These little things matter to.
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