I promised my 6 year old daughter I was going to make her some toast ( she loves toasts). 

After I had given my baby a bath and put her to sleep, she came and reminded me of my promise.

I brushed her off with oh I want to clean and do ABC…. I wasn’t going to be able to do it, and offered a rain cheque.

She suddenly turns to me and says what happened to the best mother in the whole wide world? You can do it for me Mum, you can, and continued to shower praises on me. I was surprised because I expected her to play the age old trick of throwing tantrums and wearing a long face, which I had prepared myself for, but she obviously had decided to play it wise with praise.

With that praise controlling my thoughts at that time, I did not want to let her down. I quickly rushed and made that toast. 

It’s amazing how much praise can achieve. If I was moved with that little praise, how much More God, the creator of the universe?

The Bible says He inhabits the praises of His people.

Mother…what is that situation you are faced with? What is that challenge you think has no solution? Is it that child you think would not recover? Could it be that business you are struggling with? Is your marriage hitting the rocks?

What ever it is, there’s no wisdom God cannot provide for any challenge.

How much has grumbling done? Has complaining provided solutions? 

Why not try giving God some praise?

Whatever the situation, it costs nothing, please give God some praise today!!!

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6



If I dance it won’t be enough, 

If I shout it won’t be enough, 

If I sing it won’t be enough, 

If I clap it won’t be enough.

For You are a great and mighty God, so greatly to be praised, You’re beautiful for all situations, You are the joy of the whole world…🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Where do I begin to thank You from? Do I even have enough words to express my deep gratitude? He who kept this little princess from conception till date, how faithful You are God, great God!

I have come to return all glory to you Abba Father, for indeed You are good.

Thank you for this one too. You looked at us, and considered us worthy custodians of this priceless gift. She shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be her peace.

We are grateful Lord.

As her name Mayah  means close to God, so shall it be all the days of her life. 

She will encounter you early in life.

She will walk with You, and will seek you with all her heart and soul.

She will put You first in all she does, and will reconcile many back to you.

She will be established in righteousness and will grow in Your grace and wisdom.




I remember my husband calling me an addict during my stay in the hospital prior to Mayah’s coming. I had become overly dependent on the drugs and injections to help me through the pain.

Penta injections, combined with cocodamol and then to tramadol. At some point I began to hallucinate. There were times I made conversations with imaginary people. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. But in all of it, God was faithful!

I have come to encourage someone out there going through a seemingly unbearable situation with my testimony.

God is faithful!!!

Please see video



July, oh July! A month that has become so significant in my life. Do you know why?

I had my miracle baby in the month of July. Oh yes! She’s turning one in a few weeks.

This month, I will sharing my testimony on the pregnancy and birth of this simply adorable bag of cuteness. It’s a life time experience that I will forever be grateful to God for. 

I saw a totally different dimension of God’s mercy. We don’t look like where we are coming from, trust me.

Born at 34 weeks, between then and 36 weeks had 5 blood transfusions and much more. 

 You dare not argue God’s faithfulness with me.

I look at her daily, and I’m full of such gratitude to God Almighty. He showed Himself strong. In times when I was weak, He gave me such strength to move on.

You might not fully understand, till you hear the testimony.

God is not phony. 

There’s not a God so real, 

There’s not a God so true,

There’s not a God so faithful,

There’s not a God so merciful!

He is my God, and His name is Yahweh!



For another birthday, Lord, I thank you.

I am humbled by how good You have been to me Father. On this life long road, You have been my strength. Where would I have been without You?

He who has kept me from day one till such a time as this….

I am not confused about where my help comes from. If it hasn’t been for You, I wonder what my story would be.

In love, You have redeemed me

In faithfulness, You have restored me

In  mercy, You have kept me

In patience, You have taught me

In  grace, You have led me

In kindness, You have blessed me

In hope, I have stayed on

In truth, my life is built.

How can I ever thank You, knowing where I was…

In that confused girl, You saw a future

In that hopeless girl, You saw a generation 

My gratitude is to You God Almighty without Whom, there is no me. 

My gratitude has no bounds, words are simply not enough.

Thank you Father for making me a rainbow with such beautiful colors that are just too bright to be hidden. 

I am a shinning star, just because You are in my life. 

You have brought me this far, kept me this long, for a reason that I know will bring all glory to You.

I am grateful….while I look foward to another beautiful year of a deeper walk with You, full of Your grace and wisdom.

Thank you Jesus….with You in this life boat, I surely will stay tall!

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