I promised my 6 year old daughter I was going to make her some toast ( she loves toasts).
After I had given my baby a bath and put her to sleep, she came and reminded me of my promise.
I brushed her off with oh I want to clean and do ABC…. I wasn’t going to be able to do it, and offered a rain cheque.
She suddenly turns to me and says what happened to the best mother in the whole wide world? You can do it for me Mum, you can, and continued to shower praises on me. I was surprised because I expected her to play the age old trick of throwing tantrums and wearing a long face, which I had prepared myself for, but she obviously had decided to play it wise with praise.
With that praise controlling my thoughts at that time, I did not want to let her down. I quickly rushed and made that toast.
It’s amazing how much praise can achieve. If I was moved with that little praise, how much More God, the creator of the universe?
The Bible says He inhabits the praises of His people.
Mother…what is that situation you are faced with? What is that challenge you think has no solution? Is it that child you think would not recover? Could it be that business you are struggling with? Is your marriage hitting the rocks?
What ever it is, there’s no wisdom God cannot provide for any challenge.
How much has grumbling done? Has complaining provided solutions?
Why not try giving God some praise?
Whatever the situation, it costs nothing, please give God some praise today!!!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6
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