Motherhood can be quite exigent, but I will do it over and over again.

There are the fun days, there are the busy days, there are days when I have so many palpitations that I think my heart will burst open. There are times that I scream and yell so much, but it seems it all falls on deaf ears, while I hold back tears of frustration.

Many times before I fall asleep, I run the day’s activities with the girls through.

I smile, remembering all their silly jokes and funny acts. At times when I feel I was a bit hard on them, I ask God to forgive me and help me to be more patient with them.

Some nights while they sleep, I anoint them and speak the things I want to see over their lives.

Other nights, I just stay up watching how beautiful they look while sleeping. I pull their cheeks and give them kisses. 

When I’m overwhelmed with emotions, I write them notes, and leave it right by their bedside knowing how much they appreciate such…

When I allow my imaginations surf, I think about how life would be by the time they are teenagers. I can’t help but nurse a little fear on if anything might change.

While at it, I promise myself to be the best mum to them. I just want to love my girls to the point where they can share the good, bad and ugly with me.

I want to be part of their growing up process. I don’t want to wake up, and realize they are suddenly all grown.

We are consciously creating for them an environment where they can grow up with very healthy self esteem. 

In the interim, I note their daily milestones, learn their strengths and weaknesses, while deliberately working on my relationship with them. I enjoy every minute spent together.  It’s not always easy, but realizing how important it is, I make out the time.

Motherhood is a beautiful experience I would never trade for all the gold in this world.

I love my daughters.

I love my husband, deeply….



Marriage is a very interesting institution. I‘m grateful to God each day for the wisdom He gives us to walk its life long road.

Today, I want to use this medium to appreciate and celebrate a very unique set of people in our lives….

Sometimes we might not recognize the sacrifices they make, just to put those priceless smiles on our faces. 

The hard work, just to put food on the table.

The worn shoes, so we can live in comfortable apartments.

The old clothes, just so we can wear the very best.

The bills they pay…. 

The fees….

when our kids talk in public, we can’t help but glow with pride…  

It’s not always easy and comfortable…. still, they have been consistent!

The push they give us, bringing out our creative juices. The heights we have attained, the women we are gradually becoming and have become because of their encouragement and believe in us…..

The nights spent on their knees, our covering…..

I know there are times when they wish like women, they could shed a tear or two to let out some pains or frustrations. Yet, they stay strong for us and the kids.

Remember they’re human, and have their down times too.

Beyond love and respect, we appreciate you guys.

To all the men out there who fall into this category, we see your hard work and recognize your sacrifices.

Thank you for being that strong shoulder for us, and for being completely understanding at times when it’s obvious we are not from the same planet….

Today, we want to say thank you, and God bless you all.

With lots of love….


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